In the 1930s, New York City constructed a city-owned “Independent” subway system to replace some elevated lines and to expand upon the subway service provided by the older, privately operated Interborough Rapid Transit and Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit systems. Car #1440 (acquired under contract R-7) was among 1703 nearly identical cars built between 1930 and 1940 for the Independent Subway. These impressive, heavily-built, 60-foot long cars seated 60 passengers on comfortable rattan seats and, including standees, could carry 282 passengers. A typical train of 10 cars could carry thousands of rush hour commuters. Unlike on newer subway cars, the conductor on these cars needed to straddle himself between two cars to reach the controls to open and close the car doors. New York’s Independent (“IND”) subway system was designed to handle larger subway cars than New York’s first subways of the Interborough Rapid Transit (“IRT”). So, the R-7 cars, such as #1440, were 60 feet long compared with 51 foot cars operated on the IRT. When the city purchased these cars in the 1930s, American railroads were experimenting with streamlined, lightweight aluminum or stainless steel passenger cars, but New York City stayed with a rugged, heavyweight design for the R-7 cars. When the IND system opened, it began New York’s scheme of using letters to designate each route, such as the A train made famous by Duke Ellington. The R-7s gave the IND a utilitarian subway car for carrying large numbers of passengers and carrying them fast.
After retirement from regular service in 1977, this car went to the New York Transit Museum for exhibition with other cars at Brooklyn’s Court Street Station and for operation on that Museum’s Nostalgia Train. In 1981, car #1440 appeared in a sequence in the movie Night Hawks when actor Sylvester Stallone chased an international terrorist through a New York City 6th Avenue subway train. The Seashore Trolley Museum acquired this car in 1990 after it was deaccessioned by the Transit Museum.